If you have a question or suggestion to share for a GolfWords FAQ, feel free to shoot us an email (GolfWords@gmail.com) or comment on our GolfWords sites on Facebook or Instagram. Your question could be featured here! Happy GolfWords!

FAQ#1 - GolfWords Founders David and Don answers your question about knocking balls off the GolfWords mat.

FAQ#2 - GolfWords Founders David and Don answers your question about using your own putter.

FAQ#3 - GolfWords Founders David and Don answers your question about playing on the same team using the same color golf ball.

FAQ#4 - GolfWords Founders David and Don answers your question about kids playing GolfWords.

FAQ#5 - GolfWords Founders David and Don answers your question about using two mats to play GolfWords.

FAQ#6 - GolfWords Founders David and Don answers your question about GolfWords teaching capabilities.

FAQ#7 - GolfWords Founders David and Don answers your question about the many ways to play GolfWords.

FAQ#8 - GolfWords Founders David and Don answers your question about using a dictionary while playing GolfWords.

FAQ#9 - GolfWords Founders David and Don answers your question about whether the letter layout of GolfWords is random.